Drain Deimos

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First appearance: Resident Evil 3: NEMESIS


Irregular mutants with the nickname DD. It's believed that the Drain Deimos were originally fleas that ate the flesh of an animal infected with the T-Virus.

They grew to hundreds of times their original size, about as big as an average-sized human. Their appearance is particularly grotesque even for monsters, with their exoskeletons in pieces and their inner organs and muscles appearing in odd and unnatural places, due to their extremely quick growth.

Drain Deimos get their nutrition from the cerebrospinal fluid of humans. True to their nature as fleas, they procure this fluid by sinking their fangs into their prey and sucking it out. After eating their fill, the males will suddenly turn into females and lay eggs, beginning the cycle of self- reproduction.

They generally like to stay in places that are dark and damp, and they move about by crawling on top of walls and ceilings. They tend to be very cautious, so it's unusual for them to attack suddenly.

When they get excited, though, they attack head-on with little regard for the consequences, using their claws and fangs against their prey.

Dd 01.jpg Dd 02.jpg Dd 03.jpg